Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Final Post!

Four years ago when I went to Vacation Bible School at a friend’s church in Churchville, the age group that I was in made animals out of recycled materials for one of our projects. We had brought in a bunch of recyclables such as egg cartons, toilet paper rolls, and cardboard. We could choose any animal we wanted to make, and what materials we wanted to make it out of.  I decided to make a pig because I was going through a phase when I liked pigs and my favorite color was and still is pink. I remember when I brought the pig home my family really liked it. It’s been on display in our living room ever since. Whenever I look at it, I always remember great memories with friends.  
            This is my final blog entry. I have enjoyed this project and looking at old photographs that I have taken in the past. I have used those photographs in my blog entries and I have also taken some new photographs. I didn’t have enough photographs of actual animals, which forced me to expand my thinking and reach further with my imagination. My favorite blog entry has been the rooster entry. It was a lot of fun writing about those animals that I see on a daily basis all over my house. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my blog entries these past few weeks.
 Is there anything that you love doing on a daily basis? 

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Special First Pet

            A few days before Christmas, my frog named Gilly died. It was a very sad moment for our family. She was an African Clawed frog which I had received as a present from a friend at my six year old birthday party. She was just a little tadpole back then. It was fun to watch her grow. She wasn’t the only one that grew from our time together. I did too. She taught me responsibility and to truly fall in love with a pet.
A few years after we got her, my mom went to a craft show in Delaware and returned with this miniature statue of a frog. We put it next to her tank, which was located on the breakfast bar in our kitchen, so Gilly would have something to look at.
            Gilly was my first pet that I ever had and she will forever hold a special place in my heart. I never really thought about her that much after I got my puppy four years ago, and I completely regret that. I guess it was because she wasn’t a very interactive pet to have. Even though Gilly is gone now, we still have this miniature statue on our breakfast bar to remind us of her.
            We all miss Gilly very much. We were very close to her. Was there a pet that you were close to that has passed away? 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Edible Insects?

            Every year, my mom has a Christmas cookie swap party. There are about twenty-five ladies who attend this gathering.  Each year she has three prizes that she gives out for categories, which include best presentation, best looking cookie, and the best Christmas outfit that the guest is wearing. One year, she decided to do a cupcake swap party instead for a change of pace. These cupcakes in the photograph obviously won the best-looking cupcakes.
             You might be wondering what does this photograph have to do with the topic of insects and animals? Well, if you look at the picture closely, you can see many different insects including bees, ladybugs, caterpillars, and butterflies. You can also see that the icing is meant to look like grass. This was the first year that this guest had attended my mother’s party, and what a thrill she had when she won first place. I love when my mom has her Christmas parties. Sometimes I am allowed to have friends over, and sometimes I can help with the judging of the three categories.
            My mom’s parties have been a tradition each year for the last ten years. So tell me, are there any holiday traditions that you celebrate?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Colorado Dogs

The dogs that live the furthest away from us are my aunt’s and uncle’s dogs, Moose and Brooke. They live in Colorado, which is very far away from the rest of my family who all live in Pennsylvania and Delaware. As I look at this picture, I realize that this is the first time that I’ve seen Moose. It appears that they received many presents for Christmas, and seem as spoiled as Snowy (my wonderful Maltese.). We often receive pictures of my cousins from Colorado, but this is the first time I’ve seen pictures of their dogs.
Dogs are small creatures on this impressive earth. Even though they’re not huge, they can still be the luminous star in many peoples’ lives.

Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.
~Robert Frost

This poem suggests fireflies. One way that dogs and fireflies are alike is that they are both little living creatures that are adored by how they make people feel when they are with them. Just like there are millions of fireflies, there are also millions of dogs. When you catch a firefly, you feel like it’s yours. You might give it a name. You may not catch a dog and keep it but they light up your life as the fireflies light up the sky. Is there someone or something in your life that you feel close to? 

Friday, January 20, 2012

As Still as a Statue

A couple of years ago, my family and I visited the Outer Banks in North Carolina. The Outer Banks was another exquisitely planned trip by my mother. We got to see so many lighthouses, climb up sand dunes, visit the Wright Brother’s Historic Site, and have a great time being together. I must say climbing up the sand dunes was my favorite feature of this trip.
When we were visiting one of those many beautiful lighthouses, the four of us spotted a cat sitting on steps. At first, we were sure it was a statue. It was sitting there so still. After a while, we determined it was a real cat. I took three pictures of this cat, but this is my favorite one. This trip inspired me. It opened up my eyes to the beauty of the world. North Carolina might not have been Hawaii or Florida, but it certainly had the same amount of beauty. It had the beauty of history mixed with serenity especially when you visit during March. The many lighthouses that you see driving down the coastline stand tall with visitors admiring their beauty. Also, animals could roam around without fear, which made for an amazing trip.
                My trip to the Outer Banks made me realize that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have an enjoyable time. Have you ever had a trip like that? 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Brown Eyed Girl

  This is another dog in my family and her name is Snoochie.  Snoochie is part Toy Collie and part Lhaso Apso. She’s my Uncle Ronald’s dog who lives in Delaware.  I see her more often than Goldie who is my cousin’s dog who lives in Hershey. I took this photograph after one of my piano recitals. Every June, I have a piano recital along with about twenty other students who my piano teacher also teaches. My mommom and uncle usually come and watch me perform. Afterwards, we went back to my house where we all just sat around and talked. When we first got Snowy, she was way too energetic for Snoochie’s taste. Now that Snowy has matured, the two of them get along fine.
                I sometimes think of Snoochie as my second dog. Although I don’t remember her ever allowing me to pick her up, she still enjoys my company. This was an especially cute picture because you can see how wide her eyes are. You can also see how her eyes are not focused on the camera. It was probably because Snowy was doing something to tease her.
                Before I got Snowy, my uncle always taught me how to take care of his dog. I remember taking her for walks. Snoochie is a truly magnificent dog.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Lazy Day Down at the Beach

This is one of those funny animal stories. While down the shore in Brigantine, my cousins had come to our house for a visit. They brought along their pet Beagle named Goldie. One evening, everyone was gathered around the kitchen table playing Uno.  Suddenly, I got up because I needed a sweatshirt so I ran into my brother’s room to grab it. When I got to the room, I found Goldie stretched out on top of my brother’s bed. She was also lying on top of a pair of his shorts. After much coaxing to get her off the bed, she eventually did.
                Even though we were able to get her off the bed, Goldie didn’t give up. She went right back into the same room and jumped on the bed again. This time, we let her be. We didn’t see much of a point in getting her off just for her to jump back up again. I know we could have closed the bedroom door and she wouldn’t be able to go back in, but she was so happy just lying there. This was a special moment because we rarely see our cousins, and we were having an enjoyable week at the beach. Snowy, my dog was also thinking the same way as Goldie. She jumped up on the couch in the living room and laid the same way while Goldie was relaxing in the other room.
                If you can learn anything from this, it’s that persistence can get you far if you keep trying. Goldie was persistent in getting what she wanted, and she did.